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Subject: [Okhigheredgrants] Oklahoma Distance Learning Association CONFERENCE 2007! CALLING FOR PRESENTATIONS!
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 10:49:03 -0500
From: Mason, Linda <lmason@osrhe.edu>
To: okhigheredgrants@lists.onenet.net

GOOD DAY FELLOW EDUCATORS!  Thank you for supporting the Oklahoma Distance Learning Association!


We are calling for presentations for the upcoming ODLA State Conference, Monday and Tuesday, November 5th and 6th, on the beautiful OSU-Tulsa Campus!


A submission form is now available at the ODLA website at:  http://www.odla.org/index.php?option=com_mosforms&mosform=4&Itemid=76


You may either select from a list of Web 2.0 for Education topics, or submit your own Web 2.0 topic to present.  Please also submit a brief summary about your presentation.  If selected, we will need a short biography, photo and a more descriptive session summary for our promotional materials and official conference program. 


Each presenter will have one or two (repeat) one-hour sessions plus 15 minutes for questions and discussion.  The facilities and technology on the OSU-Tulsa campus, and particularly in the presentation rooms are state-of-the-art, so do not be concerned about your resources.


The conference committee has secured world-class accommodations within state per-diem rates.  We will send you more information on that by the end of this week.  Tulsa also has a lot to offer in the way of entertainment, shopping and museums as well. 


The OSU-Tulsa campus is located just north of Downtown in the historic Greenwood area.  The accommodations and surrounding neighborhoods are pleasantly distinctive and developing rapidly.  The newest building on campus, the Helmrich Advanced Technology Research Center, is to be dedicated November 29, 2007.  Tours of this exciting new facility will be available during your conference stay.




Presenters will be notified by 5:00 p.m., Friday, September 21. 




See you in Tulsa!


Larry S. Cochran, M.S.
Director for Learning Technology Services

OSU-Tulsa & OSU Center for Health Sciences
700 North Greenwood Avenue
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74106-0700
P: 918-594-8388
C: 918-607-5790
F: 918-594-8396
Website:  http://www.osu-tulsa.okstate.edu/lts/index.htm